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(203) 615-0090

It can be hard to comprehend how neglect or abuse could occur in a Bridgeport nursing home. The residents of these facilities are often in a vulnerable state and they deserve peace and comfort at this point in their lives. Unfortunately, some seniors face severe acts of abuse during their time in a residential nursing facility. When this occurs, a dedicated personal injury attorney could help your family hold the nursing home accountable.

Pursuing legal action against negligent nursing home or their staff not only has the potential to lead to financial compensation, but it could also exact a measure of justice. A Bridgeport nursing home abuse lawyer could not only protect the rights of your loved one but also help ensure this mistreatment does not happen to another family.

What Are Some Common Types of Nursing Home Abuse?

Nursing home abuse can take many forms. Understanding how it occurs is an important step for a Bridgeport attorney planning a lawsuit against the senior care facility or its employees. In general, acts of nursing home abuse fall into one of five categories: physical, financial, mental, and sexual abuse, as well as neglect. Some of these abuses may be difficult to detect, so it is wise to have a nursing home abuse lawyer to help uncover the misconduct.

Physical Abuse

Any harmful physical act could constitute physical abuse. This includes punching, kicking, choking, or biting a resident. In addition to acts akin to an assault, physical abuse could also involve the unnecessary physical or chemical restraint of a nursing home resident.

Financial Abuse

While nursing home residents retain the right to control their finances, they remain a common target for financial abuse. Common instances of this include stealing money or items directly from the resident’s room. It could also involve more complex forms of fraud, such as coercing a person into signing over their home or amending their will.

Mental Abuse

Mental abuse is one of the most damaging mistreatments a nursing home resident could face. Mental abuse covers any spoken word or non-violent action that causes fear, stress, or mental trauma. This covers anything from verbal abuse to completely ignoring the resident.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse involves any unwanted sexual contact with a nursing home resident. In many cases, a nursing home resident might lack the capacity to consent altogether.


Neglect occurs when a resident is denied the basic necessities they need to survive. It could involve a lack of food, medical attention, or help with personal hygiene.

Potential Defendants in an Abuse Lawsuit

There could be more than one person or entity responsible for an act of nursing home abuse. The nursing home itself is routinely a defendant in these cases. This is possible when their employees commit abuse during the scope of their employment. Actions that put residents at risk like failing to perform background checks or allowing the facility to remain understaffed could also lead to civil liability. In addition to the facility, other potential defendants could include:

  • Management
  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Caretakers
  • Family members

The role of a Bridgeport attorney is to review nursing home abuse cases to identify potential defendants in a lawsuit.

Speak with a Bridgeport Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Right Away

If you suspect a member of your family suffered abuse or neglect in a Bridgeport nursing home, it is vital that you take steps to ensure their safety. Once they are secure, your loved one is entitled to pursue legal action against their abuser.

Let a Bridgeport nursing home abuse lawyer help your family pursue a measure of justice for the abuse that occurred. To discuss your options, schedule an initial consultation immediately.