If you or a loved one was harmed due to a healthcare provider’s negligence, a Norwalk, Bridgeport, & Stamford medical malpractice lawyer could help you recover compensation for those injuries. Investigating a malpractice claim is a long and challenging process. However, a detail-oriented injury lawyer could focus on investigating and building a claim so you can focus on your recovery. En Español.
There are many actions that can be considered medical malpractice. Each medical malpractice injury generally falls into one of five broad categories based on the specific action or inaction of the healthcare professional. These categories include:
A common type of medical malpractice results from the misdiagnosis of an injury or illness. A misdiagnosis error could result from a doctor identifying the incorrect injury or illness. It can also involve failing to identify any illness at all.
Unlike a misdiagnosis, a delayed diagnosis correctly identifies the injury or illness impacting the patient. However, an extended delay in reaching the correct diagnosis could have a serious impact on a person’s health. In some cases, it could be too late to start treatment once the doctor arrives at the delayed diagnosis.
Not all medical errors result in a diagnosis error. In some cases, a doctor will make the correct diagnosis, and do so in a timely manner. However, they may fail to treat the injury or illness. When this happens, the condition could get much worse. A failure to treat can occur due to a mistake on the part of a doctor, nurse, or the hospital.
Given the nature of operations, surgical errors can lead to some of the most devastating injuries possible. These errors can result in significant bleeding, nerve damage, and fatalities. Some surgical errors include the use of non-sterile instruments, wrong-site surgery, or performing the wrong procedure. It may be possible for a Norwalk, Bridgeport, & Stamford medical malpractice attorney to hold a surgeon responsible for these injuries.
The emotional impact of a birth injury can be just as devastating as the physical impact. When these injuries occur, both the newborn and their family can face severe hardships.
Every state sets a deadline for the filing of a lawsuit, and Connecticut is no different. These deadlines are known as statutes of limitation. A plaintiff that fails to timely file a medical malpractice lawsuit could have their claim barred forever.
In medical malpractice cases, the statute of limitations is two years from the date the victim discovers the medical injury. A Norwalk medical malpractice attorney can help make sure a claim complies with the statute of limitations and other important deadlines.
If your medical professional injured you through a medical mistake, you deserve to recover monetary compensation from the responsible party. However, recovering these damages is not always easy. Experienced legal counsel could help you move your case forward. Contact a Norwalk, Bridgeport, & Stamford medical malpractice lawyer to explore your legal options.