Buses are a convenient, economical mode of transportation in Stamford. Unfortunately, these large commercial vehicles present a serious threat to other drivers, pedestrians, and even their own passengers.
If you have suffered an injury in a Stamford bus crash, you could have a viable claim for monetary damages. You are entitled to pursue an injury lawsuit against the person or entity responsible for the crash with the help of a skilled injury attorney. To discuss your legal options, call a Stamford bus accident lawyer who uses aggressive tactics immediately.
A bus crash lawsuit can take many forms. In some cases, a lawsuit involves an injury claim of a pedestrian hit by a bus. In other cases, the bus passengers could seek compensation for injuries they suffered in a crash. A seasoned Stamford bus accident attorney could help any of these prospective victims pursue the compensation they deserve. Some typical plaintiffs in a bus crash lawsuit include:
Bus passengers are vulnerable in a crash, despite the size disparity between a bus and most of the other vehicles on the road. This vulnerability results from the lack of safety restraints. When a bus strikes another vehicle or a fixed object, it can send bus passengers against the bus walls or floor. Buses also carry the risk of shifting luggage or other items strike a passenger during a crash.
Anyone in a passenger vehicle could have a viable injury claim if they are struck by a commercial bus. These drivers could pursue compensation against the bus operator, the company that owns the bus, or even the mechanic responsible for keeping the bus in running order.
A collision between a bus and a pedestrian can be especially devastating. While other vehicles have some measure of protection in a crash, pedestrians are entirely exposed. These crashes routinely occur in intersections, but they can happen any place where pedestrians are present.
Identifying the damages available to their injured client is one of the most important roles of a Stamford bus accident lawyer. During their initial review of a claim, an attorney handling a Stamford bus crash case will identify the physical, emotional, and financial repercussions their clients face.
Damages in a bus crash case fall into two categories: economic damages and non-economic damages. Economic damages are tangible. A plaintiff could establish their exact value using evidence like paid receipts, invoices, or bills.
Non-economic damages are less certain. These damages are intended to compensate a bus crash victim for injuries that are difficult to quantify. Examples of these damages include the loss of consortium or pain and suffering.
Some common examples of damages include:
Bus accidents can lead to life-altering injuries for other drivers, pedestrians, and even bus passengers. When a crash results from the negligence of the bus operator, an injury victim could have a viable claim for compensation. However, pursuing these claims on your own is ill-advised.
A Stamford bus accident lawyer could guide you through the process of seeking compensation from a negligent bus driver or company. The claim process can be long, but there is the potential to recover the damages you deserve. Call today to schedule a confidential case evaluation with a tough, legitimate, and credible attorney.