If you suffered an injury due to a defective or dangerous consumer product, you are entitled to pursue monetary compensation. With the guidance of a practiced injury attorney, you could hold the entity responsible for the dangerous defect accountable. From motor vehicles to children’s toys, defective product injuries could have a significant impact on your quality of life. You could pursue the damages you need to make the necessary life adjustments through a personal injury lawsuit.
Prevailing in a defective products lawsuit is challenging on your own. The technical details of a defective products case are often complex. A Stamford defective products lawyer that uses aggressive tactics to resolve victims’ cases could evaluate the strength of your claim and guide you on your next steps.
The federal government has a major role in the safety of consumer products. There are many federal agencies dedicated to overseeing the quality of consumer goods and informing the public of potential risks. These agencies include:
Any item marketed to the public could have a potentially dangerous defect. However, there are certain products that are more likely than others to result in a defective products claim. These include:
Regardless of the product involved, a dangerous defect could result in serious injuries to a Stamford consumer. A Stamford defective products attorney could review an injury victim’s claim and guide them on their legal options.
Generally speaking, there are three types of defective product claims that could lead to litigation. These claims vary, but each has the potential to result in the severe injury of a consumer.
A design defect occurs early in the process. They occur when an error in the design of the product is so dangerous that it commonly results in an entire line of defective products.
In some cases, an error only occurs during the manufacturing of the product. A mechanical failure or worker error could result in the improper construction of a safely-designed product.
While the term marketing conjures images of advertisements, these claims relate to the warnings and instructions included with a product. A plaintiff could have a viable claim if a missing warning or confusing set of instructions leads to an injury.
Prevailing in a Stamford defective products lawsuit is always challenging. Legal counsel requires more than just knowledge of the law. A deep understanding of the engineering behind a product is also crucial.
Finding the right Stamford defective products lawyer is one of the most important steps before filing a lawsuit. To discuss the next steps in your case, call today to speak to a tough, legitimate, and credible lawyer.